Pearson International GCSEs: Remote Invigilation available Summer 2025
Tutors & Exams are delighted to be working in Partnership with Pearson to bring Remote Invigilation to private candidates for Summer 2025!
We’re excited to offer you the opportunity to take your chosen Pearson International GCSEs from the comfort of your own home through the Pearson remote invigilation service. No need to travel, simply sit your exam online, ensuring flexibility and convenience. The exams are invigilated online to maintain the highest integrity and security.
To see which Subjects are available and find out more details, please visit our new webpage at
Important Requirements to consider:
- The additional costs to the usual exam fees involved – £300 for the Remote Invigilation service and £50 per Mock (x2) plus VAT where applicable.
- The familiarisation and mock exam processes must be adhered to, otherwise we are unable to offer this service.
- The Additional equipment required including a laptop with webcam, screen sharing facility and a separate device to be set up to record the exam. Also a good quality printer and reliable Internet connection.
- Paper-based exams will require an answer booklet to be printed ahead of the exam and then the finished scripts need to be scanned and uploaded to Pearson.
- A Parent/Guardian must be present to supervise the exams at all times.
- All entries must be made via Tutors & Exams.
- All speaking tests, mock tests and final exams will be managed/invigilated by Pearson.
Key Deadline Dates:
- 27th November 2024: Tutors & Exams parents information evening/webinar
- 20th December 2024: Deadline for parents to send evidence of Access Arrangements to Tutors & Exams
- 17th January 2025: Entry deadline for Tutors & Exams candidates
- W/c 24th February 2025: Live invigilated mock
The total costs include our usual exam fees as shown on our fees page plus a Remote Invigilation fee of £300 (per subject, not paper) and there are two mocks that must be sat each costing £50.
To book:
Please apply as normal by clicking on the book now tab at the top of our website and book your Pearson International GCSE subjects and select any location listed. We will then contact you to ask whether you wish to use this service.
For further information:
If you have any questions or want to find out more, please get in touch with us at
P.S/ Be sure to look out for more details of our Parents’ evening webinar on 27th November!